Rich Troyanowski
What I really enjoy about our group is that everybody understands these quotes (to left). There's no hurt, just help. That's what real friends do, hence the name, Plein Air Friends. We genuinely like each other. There is chemistry and joy.
As for painting outdoors, painting the natural world is like painting a nude, it is proud of its beauty and hides nothing. Our job as artists is to learn how masterfully nature creates and to apply those insights in our own creations. We are, after all, nature.
My personal work uses thin glazes and dry brushing which creates a tapestry-like effect. I paint in whatever style that motivates me at the time and I strive to inject that Gestalt unknown. My favorite artists are Blumenschein and Velasquez.
Samples of Rich's work with the Plein Air Friends painting group:
If you have questions about the above paintings, contact the artist here.
Click on the name of a member artist below to see some of their plein air work:
Diane Buster, Bonnie Buckley, Nancy Davis, Katherine Gauntt
Roger Gathman, Pat Leister, John Meister, Michael Meyer, Ray Ortiz, Rich Troyanowski